The MARQ Library hosts the 12th edition of the Punt de Trobada of the Colegio de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de la Comunitat Valenciana (Association of Librarians and Documentalists of the Valencian Community).

The Library of the MARQ, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, hosted the 12th edition of the Punt de TrobadaThis initiative has the collaboration of the Diputación de Alicante and the participation of the deputy of Culture Juan de Dios Navarro. Organised by the Col-legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana (COBDCV), the Punt de Trobada aims to become a space for meeting and sharing experiences among library professionals from all over our territory.

The Col-legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana represents information and documentation professionals who manage library services in the Valencian Community. The COBDCV is a public law body that promotes professional recognition and development, as well as the correct exercise of the profession and the training of all professionals.

The Punt de Trobada has been organised annually since 2015. On this occasion, and thanks to the collaboration of the Diputación de Alicante, the MARQ Library is the chosen venue to celebrate its twelfth edition. In this edition, the COBDCV has pooled the experiences of professionals from public libraries and specialised libraries, as the latter have been struggling for years to become more visible to society and it is in collaboration with other institutions where they find great allies.

In this sense, the Specialised Library of the Diputación de Alicante in the MARQ, works to achieve this visibility and as a result of this effort, since 2021 it has been included in the Map of Specialised Libraries of the Council for Library Cooperation and in the Directory of Spanish Libraries of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, in addition and since last March it has been part of the Collective Catalogue of Spanish Bibliographic Heritage of the Ministry thanks to its magnificent Old Collection.

All the information about this event is available on the website of the COBDCV.