In just under a year (March, 2023-January, 2024), the proposal broke all the records of the Alicante museum with more than 280,000 visits.
The MARQ exhibition The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The Warriors of Xi'an'. has added yet another award to its long list of accolades by winning gold at the Design Awards for Ephemeral Architecture of the Valencian Region.
The Design Association of the Valencian Region, ADCVThe exhibition discourse, as well as the language it generated between the sculptures of the warriors and the visitor.. The award recognises the creativity, innovation and excellence The jury particularly appreciated the staging of Hall III of the exhibition 'The Warriors of Xi'an', where the terracotta figures were displayed in futuristic circular glass capsules, with a mirrored ceiling and enveloped in a musical ambience composed specifically for the exhibition.
This new recognition comes in addition to those already received by the Association of Museologists and Museographers of Andalusia (AMMA) with the runner-up prize at the EXPO 2023in the category for the best national exhibition project; to that of Alicantinos del Año 2023by the newspaper All of Alicante; al Cope-Alicante Awards Special 2023; the Important from November-2023 from Information Newspaper and the distinction that the Scientific, Literary and Artistic Athenaeum of Alicante will be presented to the Fundación CV MARQ next Wednesday, 12 June, at the Teatro Principal in Alicante.
The exhibition, on display at MARQ and curated by the Cambridge University professor Marcos Martinón-Torreswas designed by the architect from Elche. Angel Rocamorawho will be in charge of collecting the ADCV award. In just under a year, the exhibition, which was organised in collaboration with the ASISA and La Caixa foundations, received a total of 280,682 visitsa record figure that made it the most successful proposal of the most viewed of the history of the Alicante museum.