The Provincial Council goes solar with the installation of solar panels in the MARQ, the Provincial Home and the Technical Office.


The Alicante Provincial Council has installed photovoltaic panels in some of its buildings and sites to reduce energy costs and improve sustainability.

After several months of work and an investment of approximately 312,000 eurosboth the Archaeological Museum of Alicante as the Provincial Home Antonio Fernández Valenzuela and the Technical Office already have these installations that guarantee their own sources of consumption and make a firm commitment to renewable energy.      

The Member of Parliament for Architecture, Carmen SellésThis week, he visited the Archaeological Museum to see the completed works in situ. There he explained that with these installations "we intend to take advantage of clean energy from the sun to reduce the use of fossil fuels, eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and, progressively, move towards energy self-sufficiency in each of these buildings".

In both the Provincial Home and Marq, the power of the installation is 100 kW, compared to 30 kW in the Technical Office, and in all three cases the payback period for the investment is between six and seven years and the estimated average annual electricity saving is approximately 14%.

On the other hand, the provincial head of Architecture has also moved to the Dr. Esquerdo Centre together with the Human Resources deputies, Lourdes Llopisand People's Welfare, Antonio Bermejoto get a first-hand look at the work of refurbishment and adaptation of the centre's Occupational Health Service..