The Archaeological Museum of Alicante is once again reaping triumphs with its exhibition proposals and this week it has received new national recognition. The Expone Awards of the Association of Museographers and Museologists of Andalusia (AMMA)which highlight good practices and innovation in museums, have awarded the following shows Dynasties' and 'Idols'. organised by the MARQ.
In its fourth edition, the Expone Awards have awarded the FIRST PRIZE to the international exhibition currently hosted by MARQ, Dynasties. The first kingdoms of prehistoric Europe'.in the category of Best National Exhibition Project Award. An award for which the exhibitions 'Before America. Original sources in modern culture' of the Juan March Foundation in Madrid, which won the first prize, and 'Convivium, archaeology of the Mediterranean diet', by the National Archaeological Museum (MAN), which won the second runner-up prize.
In the category of Best Andalusian ExhibitionThe award went to the exhibition 'Idols. Miradas milenarias desde el extremo suroccidental de Europa', which is currently on display at the Museum of Huelva. In this section, the candidates were 'Memorias del Cine: La Chanca-Pescadería' (Memories of Cinema: La Chanca-Pescadería), by the Cultural Productions Officewith the Provincial Council and the City Council of Almería, and 'Tomar posición. Taking possession', by the Malaga Municipal Heritage Museum (MUPAM).
The manager of the Fundación CV MARQ, José Alberto CortésThe award was presented at the gala ceremony held this week as the closing ceremony of the international congress Malaga Culture and Museums. The event also distinguished the categories of the Special Prize of the Public, the Prize for the Best Andalusian Conservation Project, the Prize for the Best Andalusian Cultural Mediation Project and the Prize for the Best Andalusian Cultural Mediation Project. Honorary Lifetime Achievement AwardThis year's prize was awarded to Víctor Pérez EscolanoArchitect and Professor of Composition and Design at the School of Architecture of the University of Seville.