The MARQ CV Foundation and Alicante City Council have signed a collaboration agreement for the design and realisation of the Interpretation Centre of the Torres de la Huerta of Alicantewhich will be located in the Sarrió Tower. The museum project is currently being drafted and is scheduled to open in 2026.
The Deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios NavarroThis morning, he signed the concert with Alicante's Councillor for Culture, Nayma BedjilaliHe indicated that "this agreement will allow us to continue contributing to the knowledge and dissemination of the archaeological heritage of the province, in this case about the exceptional set of fortifications erected for defence and refuge against the Berber corsairs in the 16th century, bringing it closer to the general public".
The MARQ Foundation will participate in the design, creation, supervision and management of the contents destined for the future Centre, including exhibition supports, furniture, panels and audiovisual media, which include information on the heritage related to the monumental complex of the Torres de la Huerta. It will also publish a didactic guide on defensive buildings, which will include the visitor's routes and a book-catalogue with articles, photographs and other illustrations on the historical context and the different works carried out on this heritage site.
For its part, the Alicante City Council will provide MARQ's technical personnel with the exhibition spaces located in Torre Sarriówhere the exhibition will be set up at the Centro de Interpetación. In this sense, Bedjilali has reiterated "the importance of collaboration between institutions to pool resources as in this agreement, which will allow us to enhance a space with many possibilities, offering citizens the opportunity to approach and discover a part of the heritage of our city, unknown to many Alicante.
The Sarrió Tower has a exceptional ship's graphite on which the staff of the MARQ Restoration Workshop to ensure its recovery, with the aim of forming part of the explanatory tour of the centre.
The complex consists of a 16th century defence tower and an adjoining house in the La Condomina district. The rehabilitation and refurbishment works of the building, with the complete restoration of the tower itself and enhancement of the cistern and the old cellar.were completed in 2021. The building was assigned to the Department of Culture for the development of the "Interpretation Centre of the Torres de la Huerta", a project aimed at promoting the knowledge and enhancement of the whole heritage site declared as an Asset of Cultural Interest, with more than twenty defensive refuge towers.
The coordination of the texts, the selection and eventual production of some graphic elements will be carried out by the scientific curators of the exhibition project of the future Centre, José Luis Menéndez, MARQ's Exhibitions technician and one of the leading specialists in the study of this heritage site, and José Manuel Pérez BurgosHead of Integral Heritage of the Alicante City Council.