MARQ's 'Dynasties' exhibition, nominated for the +History Awards of National Geographic Magazine

The international exhibition Dynasties. The First Kingdoms of Prehistoric Europe'. from Archaeological Museum of Alicantehas been nominated, in the category of Best Exhibition, for the +History Awards promoted by the magazine's editorial group National Geographic.

These newly-created awards aim to recognise the dissemination and promotion of history, heritage and culture. The list of nominees will be published in next September's issue of the prestigious publication History-National Geographicand from today, 23 August, until 10 October, readers and followers of the publication will be able to vote for your favourite candidates on the web

The Deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios NavarroThe nomination of one of the most important publications on the international scene, a well-deserved reward for hundreds of hours of work and effort on behalf of history and culture", he said, has valued this nomination and expressed his satisfaction "for this great recognition, which in itself means the nomination of one of the most important publications on the international scene, a well-deserved reward for hundreds of hours of work and effort on behalf of history and culture".

In the five months since its inauguration on 26 March, 'Dynasties' has received the visit of more than 40,000 people. The exhibition, programmed by the Diputación de Alicante and the CV MARQ Foundationis on display at the MARQ and has the support of the participation of 20 museums and museum institutions from Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Denmark..

Curated by Juan Antonio López Padillaof the MARQ; Roberto Rischof the Autonomous University of Barcelona; and János Danifrom the Deni Museum in Debrecen, Hungary, 'Dynasties' exhibits 482 pcs. that take the visitor into the Bronze Age Europe with a collection of objects that have never been brought together before.

Among the exceptional pieces on public display are the gold diadem from Quinta da Água Branca (Portugal), the decorated sword and battle axe from Téglas (Hungary), the grave goods from Leubingen, the halberds from the Meltz deposit and the gold hat from Schifferstadt (Germany), and the sword from Guadalajara and the gold diadem from Caravaca de la Cruz (Spain).