Obituary Dr. Theodor Hauschild

The Fundación CV MARQ and the MARQ, Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante, join the scientific community in mourning the loss of the eminent archaeologist and architect Dr. Theodor Haushcild, who contributed so much to the knowledge of Hispanic Roman architecture. The MARQ is also indebted to this activity.

We reproduce here the obituary sent by Paul Scheding and Felix Arnold of the German Archaeological Institute in Madrid:

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of the architect-archaeologist Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hauschild. After studying architecture at the University of Berlin, Mr. Hauschild worked at the Madrid department of the German Archaeological Institute from 1957 to 1994, from 1980 as scientific director and head of the Lisbon branch. With his pioneering projects on the history of Roman architecture and urbanism in Centcelles, Tarragona, Munigua, Milreu and Évora, he contributed significantly to the research of the Madrid department in Spain and Portugal. For his career, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Barcelona, received the Cross of San Jordi and was declared an adopted son of Tarragona. Mr Hauschild passed away in Hamburg on Sunday 8 September at the age of 95. From the Institute we convey our condolences to his family and friends..