On the occasion of the closing of the exhibition Dynasties. The first kingdoms of prehistoric Europe', the MARQ has organised a conference on 'Dynasties. open doors on 12 and 13 October. In addition, the wednesday 9 october both the museum and the sites will offer free admission to commemorate the Valencian Community Day.
The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has programmed these proposals, which include the extension of the usual opening hours on Saturday 12 - from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.to offer the opportunity for all audiences to visit this international exhibition, the only one of its kind in Spain, about the first kingdoms of prehistoric Europe. During the last weekend of the exhibition, 'Dynasties', 'Dynasties', 'Dynasties', 'Dynasties' and 'Dynasties'. shall not offer guided tours and public access is on a first-come, first-served basis until one hour before the Museum closes.
The exhibition, inaugurated last March, includes unpublished pieces and masterpieces of the Bronze AgeSome of them are being exhibited for the first time in Spain. The content is around 500 objectsincluding a reproduction of the Nebra Disc and part of its treasure. It is the earliest known depiction of the celestial vault in Europe, included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register since 2013.
The Deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios NavarroHe encouraged citizens who have not yet visited the proposal to take advantage of this type of initiative, "that are a pole of attraction and a way of injecting culture into society in general and to people who are attracted by the novelty of this exhibition, which goes back thousands of years, with pieces that have never been exhibited before, to contemplate societies that had many elements in common.".
On the other hand, and as every year, the MARQ will celebrate the 9 d'Octubre, Day of the Comunitat Valenciana, with a open dayThe museum is open to the public free of charge during its normal opening hours on public holidays. museum as the archaeological sites of Lucentum in Alicante and La Illeta dels Banyets in El Campello, as well as to the Almudaina Tower in El Comtat.
It is also worth remembering that next Saturday, 5 October, it will reopen to the public. the Cova de l'Or and its interpretation centre located in Beniarrés after the improvement works carried out. The visit to the enclave, which opens to 675 metres above sea level on the southern slope of the Sierra del Benicadell and contains within it a archaeological site of enormous importance for the knowledge and research of the Neolithic, will be open until 24 November, by prior arrangement.