Alicante Provincial Council offers an extensive programme to enjoy Christmas with the family


The tree lighting at MARQ will open the MARQ Christmas calendar next week. Alicante Provincial Council that, for another year, will offer proposals and activities to enjoy culture with the family during these dates.   

         The wednesday, 4 decemberStarting at 18:00 hours, the gardens of the Archaeological Museum will be the starting point of the campaign of activities with the traditional lighting of the tree and an intense evening of activities. The event will also feature the chestnut tree, a photocall, the prize-giving ceremony of the drawing competition and a popular xocolata (sweet chocolate)..

Three didactic workshops have also been organised, one on Christmas decorations with sustainable elements, another on the tree of dreams, a letter to the Three Wise Men and Coin wishes, and a final one to make bookmarks. In addition, that same afternoon there will be a fun proposal from animation that will delight the little ones with the mascot show and a demonstration of Danses i música tradicional of the Colla Sant Antoni d'Alacant and Grup Danses Cresol.

            In the midst of the Christmas holidays, the days of the 26 and 27 December there will be theatrical performances at 12 noon with free admission limited to the capacity of the museum's Assembly Hall. The educational workshops will take place on the same days, but will also extend their offer on 2 and 3 January in the Aula Didáctica of the MARQ. Thus, at 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.The youngest children will be able to enjoy this proposal, together with their families. Registration is required and can be done on the MARQ website.

         In addition, as every year, the 26 December to 4 JanuaryMARQ will be present at ExpoNadal (IFA) with its own stand and workshops developed by the Didactics Unit of the museum, of 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m..

In addition, the MUBAG Christmas will begin with the concert The notes of Romanticism, with Abel Figueredo on piano and the voice of Lisabel Huertaon Friday, 20 December at 19:00. On the 26th and 27th of December the Magical Christmas' workshop for children at 12:00 noon and on Friday 3 January there will be a visit-workshop on the recently inaugurated exhibition Milan. Showcase of modernity'.. Thursday 26 December and 2 January, at 18:00, Italian elegance will be the workshop for people over 16 years of age.

The Papallona Teatre group will offer its family show on 27 December and 2 January at 6 p.m., and the museum has also organised a variety of GUIDED PASSES to its exhibitions throughout the Christmas holidays. Some activities require prior registration, which can be done through the MUBAG website.

The museum's opening hours on these days will be from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 20:00 and on Sundays from 10:00 to 14:00. The MUBAG will be closed on 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 December and 6 January.

Finally, the Juan Gil-Albert Institute of Culture of Alicante will kick off its Christmas programme with a conference with music in tribute to the volunteers of Red Cross in DANAThe event will take place on Monday, 16 December at 18:30 at the Red Cross headquarters in Alicante. The activity will consist of learning about the Christmas traditions of different Latin American countries through a conference that will be interspersed with the interpretation of typical music from these territories. This trip will be led by Gerardo EstradaThe show will be accompanied by five musicians who will play guitar, flute, Venezuelan cuatro, traditional percussion and bass, among others.

         On Friday 20 December, at 19:00 hours in the Casa Bardin and by Irene Ballester and Josep Bernabeu, The Calendar of Shining Lights 2025, published by the Mancomunitat de Municipis de la Marina Alta, will be presented. The youngest children will be the protagonists in two Christmas days aimed at children with the central theme of reading. On Thursday 27th, the session will be led by Nieves Garcíawith the title "Memorina y otros cuentos de hormigas" (Memorina and other ant stories), and on 2 January it will be Pedro Fernándezwith "Mentiras y disparates" (Lies and nonsense), both at 18:00.

          The hall of the Casa Bardin will host two sessions of Christmas carols on Thursday, 26 December, at 18:30 hours, with the Sèneca Choir formed by members of the Sèneca Autobusos bonfire and conducted by Marina Rubioand on Monday 30 December by the Compañía Lírica Alicantina.