The MARQ's Cities of Light catalogue compiles more than 30 years of research at the Lucentum site.

This morning MARQ has hosted the presentation of the catalogue Cities of Lightwhich brings together the results of more than three decades of research on the site of the Tossal de Manises and accompanies the exhibition currently on display at the Museum.

The Deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios Navarroreaffirmed the commitment of the Diputación ".to protect, conserve and disseminate archaeology as a major driver of culture"through the areas of Culture and Architecture. "On this occasion, this work has been materialised in this rigorous publication that compiles the research work on Lucentum, on its protection and safeguarding, its enhancement, its conversion into a socialised space and its dissemination."said Navarro.

For his part, the director of the Museum, Manuel Olcinawho recounted the process and history of the recovery of the Tossal de Manises, highlighted the quality of the catalogue in which, through around seventy articles and more than 400 pages, more than forty archaeologists, technicians, experts and researchers of the emblematic enclave, linked to the Provincial Council and the Archaeological Museum of Alicante since its foundation in 1932, have collaborated. Its opening to the public in 1998 as an archaeological park The research programmes were revitalised.

Inaugurated last December, 'Cities of Light. Ákra Leuké, Lucentum, Laqant' is the exhibition largest temporary surface area occupied in the history of the museum. A own production proposalwhich will remain on display until 18 May and whose The purpose is to illustrate the succession of ancient sites who inhabited the site of La Albufereta of Alicante, using as vertebral axis the archaeological site of the Tossal de Manises.

The presentation of the catalogue was also attended by the Deputy for Architecture, Carmen Sellésby the managing director of the Fundación C.V. MARQ, José Alberto CortésOlcina, who moderated the event, as well as the intervention of the curators of the exhibition, Olcina himself together with the director of the Architecture Department of the Provincial Council, Rafael Pérezand the technicians of Excavations of the Fundación C.V. MARQ, Antonio Guilabert and Eva Tendero.