The MARQ receives the pieces of its international exhibition "The Treasure of the Barbarians".

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante received in the early hours of 12 March last from the Palatinate Historical Museum in the German city of Speyer the more than 600 parts that will make up the international exhibition "The Treasure of the Barbarians". The exhibition, which is being presented for the first time in Spain, will showcase important treasures representative of daily life in Roman times during the 3rd century AD.found under the waters of the river Rhine.


Also arriving today are the materials that make up the scenography which will be used to illustrate this exhibition, which will open at end of March and will remain on display until October.

"Treasure of the Barbarians". will allow the public to learn about the discovery of the Treasure of Neupotz, one of the largest Roman-period metal assemblages in Europe which stands out for the beauty and quality of its objects, as well as for being a testimony to one of the lesser-known stages of the Historyof the Roman Empire. The Marq's exhibition will also include an exhibition of the hispanic section which will address the same historical period and context of difficulty suffered by the Roman Empire in our land.

This initiative, the result of a collaboration with the German Palatinate Museum, is part of the activities programmed by the Alicante complex for 2012, the year of the 80th Anniversary of the museum and of the tenth MARQsince May 2002 H.M. The Queen Doña Sofía will officially inaugurate the facilities in the Plaza del Doctor Gómez Ulla.