Deltebre, History of a Shipwreck, in Tortosa

We are pleased to announce that the territorial services of the "Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya a les Terres de l'Ebre" have programmed the exhibition ".Deltebre I: history of a shipwreck".produced thanks to the collaboration of the Marq.

The exhibition can be visited at the Palau Oliver de Boteller in Tortosa from 16 December 2016 until 30 July 2017.


The reason is that the site is located in the territorial demarcation of Tortosa and that this city played an important role during the French War, due to its strategic location on the river Ebro, which is why it still preserves historical and archaeological remains. It is also an exhibition with a very attractive narrative discourse that will help us to educate and to highlight the value of archaeological work and historical research.