Alicante Provincial Council's cultural centres celebrate International Museum Day for the sixth year running


Under the slogan "Hyperconnected museums: new approaches, new audiences", the cultural centres of the Alicante Provincial Council have joined together for the sixth consecutive year to celebrate the International Museum Day-DIM 2018. An event that will bring together and facilitate the accessibility of the museum's offerings from the Friday 18 to Sunday 20 May.

         The Deputy for Culture, César Augusto Asenciohas presented this tomorrow the programme of activities organised by the Gravina Fine Arts Museumthe Archaeological Museum of Alicante and the Juan Gil-Albert Institute of Culture of Alicante. "The International Council of Museums (ICOM) proposes a theme each year to celebrate this event and this time it will revolve around the multiple means of communication we have today. Technology allows museums to reach beyond their usual audience and find new audiences by adopting different approaches to their collections. This is also the way forward for the Diputación de Alicante to promote and disseminate our rich cultural heritage."Asencio pointed out.  


As in previous editions, the programme has developed a information leaflet which will be given to the public the same week as the DIM and will act as a "passport". which may be exchanged for a goggles cardboard virtual realityonce they are achieved FIVE SEALS of several other centres. These glasses will make it possible to capture the QR code in the brochure and carry out a virtual tour across all centres in a 360-degree environment.


In addition, dissemination will be carried out through the profiles of the website and the social networks of Musea: one page in Facebook and a profile in twitter.

These platforms will offer all the information related to the event, both the programme and the joint actions. In this sense, it is worth remembering that other cultural centres in Alicante are participating in the DIM, such as the MACA, The Cigarrerasthe Fish Marketthe Nueva Tabarca Museumthe Water Museum of Alicante, on Santa Barbara Castle and the Volvo Ocean Race Museum.


            "Focus on the detail of the XIX". is the title of this year's MUBAG proposal. For the first time it will be possible to photograph interesting details of the canvases of the exhibition 'The 19th century in the MUBAG' and post them on Instagram with the hashtag #museomubag #DIM2018. In addition, on Saturday, the opening hours will be extended until 22:00 hours so that, in line with the motto of the hyperconnectivityVisitors can take part in guided tours of the exhibitions, using QR codes, and enjoy the musical performance. "You play 3 notes, I create the works.".


On Sunday, 20 May, the Museum of Fine Arts will dedicate part of the activities for the whole family with children's workshopsgames in the "Espai de Tellesthe latest dramatised visit of the season and the possibility of getting to know the restoration workshop. Registration to participate in any of these activities can be made from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00 hours by calling 96 514 67 87.


On the other hand, and under the slogan "MARQ: hyperconnected with the senses".The Provincial Archaeological Museum will celebrate this cultural event through the didactic and accessibility department of the MARQ Foundation, focusing on the connection it maintains with all the cultural activities of the province. associations and institutions with which it collaborates through cooperation networks in favour of the people with different abilitiesin risk of social exclusion or with integration difficulties. In this way, groups such as the Asociación Alicantina Down Syndrome, COCEMFEthe ONCE, ASOCIDE or the Association Asperger of Alicante will have an important participation in the IWD 2018.


The awareness days for educational establishments, which are the focus of the calendar of the MARQ activitieswill begin on Friday and will focus on the practice of the adapted sport. On Saturday they will continue to play with the senses by offering talks and experiences such as the guided tour of the exhibition with masks or in sign language. The event will culminate on Sunday with animated visits and the Put yourself in my shoes" workshop. On Saturday and Sunday, in collaboration with the Asociación de Recreación Histórica Hispania Romana, there will also be animated visits to the sites at Lucentum and the Illeta del Banyetsrespectively.


Over the weekend the entry will be free of charge to all centres -both the museum and the sites and the Almudaina Tower- and interested parties can pre-register by calling 965149000 or in the mail [email protected].


The Juan Gil-Albert Institute of Culture of Alicante  has focused the DIM around the exhibition The visual of listening from Jorge Burillo which is currently on show at Casa Bardín with a guided tour, a talk between the artist and the curator, Juan F. Navarroas well as a performative piece with which the artist will show the previous work he has been reflecting on through the piano. The activities will begin on Friday 18 May from 7 p.m. onwards.


         Finally, the MUBOMA will also be developing a open days which will start on Friday and will run until Sunday with guided and dramatised tours of the museum, games and workshops for children, among other proposals. Bookings can be made by calling 965 54 44 18 or in [email protected].