The recovery and opening to the public of the monumental building that constitutes the Almudaina Towerdeclared Bien de Interés Cultural-BIC This monument, which has the status of a monument, is recent. Built in the first half of the 13th century, it is one of the many defensive farmhouse towers erected in the eastern region of al-Andalus shortly before the Christian conquest.
Abandoned for years, its last use had been as a dwelling. Acquired by the Provincial Council in 1999next to an adjoining property, facing Abadía street in the municipality of Almudaina, begins in 2006 the restoration and valorisation projectThe site has been complemented by archaeological excavations between 2007 and 2009. Rehabilitated as "site museum"With a new public urban space, it represents a powerful cultural resource at the service of its inhabitants and all those who visit it. The intervention carried out on the tower encourages the reading and enjoyment of its architecture, whose walls speak for themselves and introduce us to its history, which is the history of Almudaina.

Almudaina is located in the interior of the province of Alicante, in the mountainous region of El Comtat, 587 metres above sea level. Visitors who come to this peaceful and friendly town will discover its unique tower, a sign of the town's identity, square and rough, as described by Gabriel Miró in his novel Las cerezas del cementerio (1910).

Built in the medieval Islamic period, the tower formed part of the fortified enclosure (cortig) of the existing small farmstead. The town was then known as 'al-Mudayyina': the citadel, the name from which the present-day Almudaina derives.
The restoration carried out on the tower and its surroundings allows us to understand, through the traces found in its walls, the curious technique used in its construction and the after-effects of the changes suffered in its eight hundred years of history.

Once through the threshold of its small door, the visitor discovers the interior spaces in which a subtle museographic discourse is developed in which to immerse oneself in the history of the tower and of Almudaina.
This and much more is on offer to the traveller approaching the Posuna*.
by Gabriel Miró.
*Posuna is the literary name of Almudaina.

The recovery and opening to the public of the monumental building that constitutes the Almudaina Towerdeclared Bien de Interés Cultural-BIC with the category of Monument, is recent...
11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
From 10:00 to 13:00h
From 16:00 to 19:00h
> Wear comfortable shoes and a cap/hat.
> It is suggested to bring a bottle of water and sun protection.