La Diputación de Alicante colabora, a través del MARQ, en el plan de actualización del patrimonio arqueológico de la costa alicantina.
MARQ excavations
Project manager
Manuel H. Olcina Donénech
[email protected]
Tel.: 965149000
ProjectArchaeological action project (Tossal de Manises, Alicante) 2013.
Promoter: Diputación de Alicante - MARQ
DirectorsManuel Olcina Doménech (MARQ), Rafael Pérez Jiménez (Architecture Area), Eva Tendero Porras (CV-MARQ Foundation) and Antonio Guilabert Mas (CV-MARQ Foundation).
This action has the authorisation of the Consellería de Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana. File 2013/0259-A.
The MARQ will start on 27 June a new excavation campaign at the archaeological site of the Tossal de Manisessite of the ancient Roman city of Lucentum. The work will be carried out in rooms in sectors B and B-C of the site, on its southeast side, focusing on the levels prior to the foundation of the Roman municipality, especially on the destruction detected in a large part of the enclave during the Second Punic War, which pitted Rome against Carthage.
The excavation work will be carried out over the course of a month, under the direction of Manuel Olcina Doménech, Rafael Pérez Jiménez, Eva Tendero Porras and Antonio Guilabert Mas, from the MARQ and the Department of Architecture of the Provincial Council of Alicante, who will also be responsible for the consolidation and enhancement of the findings once the field work has been completed.
This campaign will involve 23 university graduates and students, as volunteer collaborators, who will carry out both excavation and laboratory work. All these activities will be carried out in a site open to the public, next to the transit areas, so that visitors can see how an archaeological intervention takes place during their visit.
The Tossal de Manises, which has been excavated discontinuously since the 18th century, is today a point of reference in studies of the period between the landing of Rome and Carthage on peninsular soil and the Islamisation of the territory. Its opening to the public in 1998 was also a milestone in the dissemination of archaeological heritage and bringing archaeology closer to society, as endorsed by its selection for the final of the Telefonica Ability Awards in 2012.
The Marq is not just a museum, it is a multi-purpose space.
The institution offers multiple and varied possibilities to companies and institutions, thanks to the spatial versatility achieved with its refurbishment. It is the perfect place to hold congresses, meetings, presentations and any type of event, as it has several rooms equipped with everything necessary to guarantee its success and offers a complete range of infrastructures and services:
Congresses and conventions, seminars, conferences, incentive trips, business meetings and professional meetings, press conferences, presentations, workshops, social events...
- Projection of audiovisuals- Simultaneous translation
- Catering service
- Cloakroom
- Hostesses, guides, interpreters and protocol technicians
- Floral decoration
For more information and advice, please call 965.149.002.
Los recorridos guiados están amenizados por un grupo de actores.
Durante los fines de semana, un total de 240 visitantes podrán disfrutar de esta iniciativa museística
El poblado, uno de los más importantes de la Edad del Bronce, tuvo una extensión de dod hectáreas y una población de mil personas
El hallazgo de una botella de vino alicantino en un barco hundido hace 200 años da pie a esta muestra de gran valor patrimonial
La muestra viene avalada por la Denominación de Origen Vinos de Alicante y contiene piezas de varios museos arqueológicos
La muestra , que ya ha recorrido los municipios de Elche, Sant Vicent del Raspeig, monforte del Cid, Alcoy y Elda, podrá visitarse hasta octubre
El museo , que preside en la ciudad alemana de Speyer la reunión de esta plataforma, presenta un proyecto de página web para el grupo
El proyecto, en el que trabajarán más de cuarenta estudiantes, arrancará el próximo martes 1 de julio