MARQ. Archaeology and Museums

ISSN: 1885-3145
Legal Deposit: A-705-2005
MARQ. Arqueología y Museos is a periodical publication published annually, aimed at disseminating original scientific content related to archaeology, museography and museology at provincial, national and international level.
MARQ. Archaeology and Museums uses a double-blind system for the evaluation of the originals, which is carried out by at least two external evaluators.
MARQ. Arqueología y Museos can be exchanged for any publication on Prehistory, Archaeology and Museography/Museums in Spain and other European Union countries. Exchanges will be requested to the journal's management.
The journal MARQ. Arqueología y Museos is included in the ISOC database of the CCHS.
MARQ, Archaeology and Museums is included in Latindex - Regional online information system for scientific journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (Act.: 19-01-2016)
Editorial Board
Rules for the submission of originals.

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