All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum

The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.

18 April, 2013

International Day for Monuments and Sites

Today we celebrate the 'International Day for Monuments and Sites' with a full programme of activities and didactic activities that will last throughout the weekend.

17 April, 2013

Move to the past in TRAM

On 21 April, Sunday, as part of the cultural days of the Day International Monuments and SitesThe Marq offers you a guided tour of the museum and its archaeological parks, including train travel, thanks to the collaboration of Tram Alicante.

17 April, 2013

Call for applications for two training grants in Museum Restoration 2013

The Governing Board of the Provincial Council of Alicante, in an ordinary session held on 4 April 2013, approved the call for two training grants in Museum Restoration for the Provincial Archaeological Museum, for the 2013 financial year.

15 April, 2013


Funerary world in the south of Alicante. Chalcolithic burials in Murcia. State of the art and latest developments.

27 March, 2013


The opening times of the MARQ, the Almudaina Tower and the archaeological sites of Tossal de Almudaina and the [...]
25 March, 2013

Easter Week activities at MARQ

Holy Week kicks off in our museum with STORYTELLING / THEATRE - WORKSHOPS - MARQ-LUCENTUM URBAN ROUTE, etc. Come to MARQ from the 02nd to the 07th of April. We are waiting for you.

15 March, 2013

MARQ will be closed on 19 March.

Informamos a todos nuestros amigos y visitantes, que el próximo día 19 de marzo, Día [...]
13 February, 2013

MARQ exhibits the history of the Roman route of the Via Augusta in a new exhibition

El Museo Arqueológico de Alicante en colaboración con la Conselleria de Infraestructuras, Territorio y Medio Ambiente revaloriza y pone en valor el trazado de la Vía Augusta y su ramal Vía Dianium a través de una nueva exposición. La muestra podrá visitarse hasta el próximo 28 de abril.