All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum

The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.

30 July, 2012


Los ganadores de los concursos de fotografía y dibujo visitan el MARQ

10 July, 2012

Heritage recognises the work of MARQ

Juan Bautista Roselló y Marta Alonso visitan los yacimientos del Tossal de Manises y la Illeta dels Banyets.

18 June, 2012

Judging of the photography competition "X years of MARQ".

Due to the interest aroused and the fact that we are still receiving photographs, the deadline for the competition has been extended until 30 November, when a new decision will be announced with three new winners.

7 June, 2012

Icelandic journalists and tourism agents visit the MARQ

The aim of the visit was to get to know the city of Alicante and its main tourist and cultural attractions, in order to promote them in what is known as the "Land of Ice".

17 May, 2012

School Drawing or Writing Competition

Aimed at all schoolchildren in Infant, Primary and Secondary Education who wish to participate after visiting the exhibition "The Treasure of the Barbarians", which will remain at MARQ from April to October 2012, as well as students participating in the summer activities of the Llumiq Club.

17 May, 2012

Tweet Competition "10 years of MARQ".

Send us your best micro-stories in the form of a "Tweet" to celebrate MARQ's 10th Anniversary. You can do it both in Twitteras in Facebookwith a maximum length of 140 characters.