All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum
The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.
Los ganadores de los concursos de fotografía y dibujo visitan el MARQ
Durante la visita, la delegación de la Comisión de Fiestas estuvo acompañada por el diputado D. Manuel Pérez Fenoll.
El museo alicantino suma un reconocimiento más
La delegación salvadoreña se interesó por el programa de actividades del museo a nivel nacional e internacional.
Desarrolladas en colaboración con el Taller de Imagen de la Universidad de Alicante.
Juan Bautista Roselló y Marta Alonso visitan los yacimientos del Tossal de Manises y la Illeta dels Banyets.
La exposición será inaugurada por la Presidenta del a Diputación y la Alcaldesa de Guardamar del Segura. Las conferencias tendrán lugar a las 18:00 h en la Casa de Cultura de Guardamar.
Publicación de los resultados de las excavaciones de Miquel Tarradell, Vicente Pascual y Enrique Llobregat en 1965.
El ayuntamiento de La Vila también se integra como nuevo patrono.
La publicación incluye los resultados de las excavaciones de la autora entre 1985 y 1986.
El objetivo es intercambiar tesoros arqueológicos con otros museos europeos.
Due to the interest aroused and the fact that we are still receiving photographs, the deadline for the competition has been extended until 30 November, when a new decision will be announced with three new winners.
The participants were invited to visit the museum and see its facilities.
The President of the Provincial Council and the Mayor sign an agreement for the development of an exhibition with pieces from the Museum of the Sea.
These socio-cultural and leisure activities are aimed at raising awareness of the cultural environment of the city of Alicante, at the same time as, Spanish and international students, share experiences and leisure time.
The boys and girls of the five year old class of CEIP Montcabrer de Muro travelling through time have met their characters and their inventions ................¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ good trip, kids !!!!!!!!!.
The aim of the visit was to get to know the city of Alicante and its main tourist and cultural attractions, in order to promote them in what is known as the "Land of Ice".
The activity includes a series of conferences and a guided tour of the exhibition "The Treasure of the Barbarians".
Aimed at all schoolchildren in Infant, Primary and Secondary Education who wish to participate after visiting the exhibition "The Treasure of the Barbarians", which will remain at MARQ from April to October 2012, as well as students participating in the summer activities of the Llumiq Club.