Engraved Rod
Cova de les Cendres (Moraira, Teulada) Bone h: 11.4 cm; w: 1.13 cm; d: 0.71 cm Upper Palaeolithic Upper Magdalenian Final Upper Magdalenian
Decorated bone rod from a fragment of the diaphysis of the left metatarsal of Cervus elaphus, which shows, as the only theme on its external face, the naturalistic and stylised figuration of an engraved doe. This is the head, the beginning of the pectoral or thoracic area and the cervico-dorsal line. This central representation, based on the execution of strokes of varying composition and intensity, is accompanied by other earlier ones that have been partially reused.
Both stylistically and chronologically, this piece completes the artistic sequence of the last stages of the Upper Palaeolithic in the Spanish Mediterranean, extending the geographical area that until a few years ago was known for this type of art. It also shows, with regard to the naturalistic zoomorphic themes, the continuity of the art of the last moments of the Upper Palaeolithic and the first moments of the Early Epipalaeolithic.
C.S.: 1233
Highlights Prehistoric Room
- ................................................. Penya Negra (Crevillent) Gold h: 43,4 mm; w: 21mm Orientalising 7th century BC.
- ................................................. Laderas del Castillo (Callosa de Segura) Furgús Collection Arsenic copper h: 16.6 cm; w: 8.4 cm; h: 0.8 cm Argaric Bronze 2,300 - 1,600 BC.
- ................................................. Mola d'Agres (Agres, Alicante Bronze h: 7,2cm ; w: 2,8 cm ; e: 0.2 cm Final Bronze 800 - 500 b.C.
- ................................................. Penya Negra (Crevillent) Sandstone h: 16'7 cm; w: 8'3cm; d: 4'3 cm Final Bronze 800-550 BC.
- ................................................. Cova de la Barcella, (Torremanzanas)Bone38 x 13 x 3 mmCalcolithicFirst half of the 3rd millennium BC.
- ................................................ Cova de l'Or (Beniarrés) Ceramics h: 10 cm; w: 12'3 cm Neolithic Ancient Neolithic
- ................................................. Cova del Montgó (Xàbia) Ceramics h: 16 cm; w: 14.5 cm; e: 0.7 Neolithic. Ca. 4000 BC
- ................................................. Cova d'en Pardo (Planes) Worked bone h: 23 cm; w: 1.8 cm; d: 0.3 cm Chalcolithic 3,000 - 2,500 BC.
- ................................................. Cova de les Cendres (Moraira, Teulada) Bone h: 11.4 cm; w: 1.13 cm; d: 0.71 cm Upper Palaeolithic Upper Magdalenian Final Upper Magdalenian
- ................................................. Tossal de la Roca (La Vall d'Alcalá, Alicante) Chalky limestone h: 10.5 cm; w: 6.5 cm; d: 3 cm Upper Palaeolithic Late Upper Magdalenian
- ................................................. Beneito Cave (Muro d'Alcoi) Human bones h: 17.6 cm; w: 10 cm; d: 13.5 cm Upper Palaeolithic Solutreogravetian, 17.000 BP