Pisa "a la stecca" ceramic plate
Rambla Méndez Nuñez (Alicante) Ceramic h: 16.3 cm; w. 4.4 cm: 4,4 cm Italian import End of the 15th century - Beginning of the 16th century
A fragment of a dish with a ring-shaped rim and a convex umbo. It has a green-tinted vitreous cover on which is a black spiral motif in the Italian 'a la stecca' style. This type of decoration is composed on the base of the piece, tracing a central geometric motif from which spirals start and complete the interior of the dish.
These dishes have their origin in the pottery workshops of Pisa (Italy), being an evident proof of the numerous commercial contacts between the Italic Peninsula and the city of Alicante since the end of the Middle Ages, where it became one of the most important ports of the Kingdom of Valencia.
CS: 11316
Highlights of the Middle Ages Room
- ................................................. Fondo Histórico MARQ Carving on wood and polychrome on canvas covered with a layer of plaster h: 94.5 cm; w: 30 cm; d: 23 cm: 30 cm; w: 23 cm Late Gothic First half of the 16th century
- ................................................. Castell d'Ambra, (Pego) Travertine marble h: 35.8 cm; w: 20 cm; h: 18.5 cm Of Islamic origin and Christian reuse 1250-1280
- ................................................. Rambla Méndez Nuñez (Alicante) Ceramic h: 16.3 cm; w. 4.4 cm: 4,4 cm Italian import End of the 15th century - Beginning of the 16th century
- ................................................. Church of Santa María (Alicante) Ceramic h: 90 cm; w: 63 cm Late Gothic Mid-15th century
- ................................................. Finca "La Marquesa" (Almoradí) Caliphate Silver Mid-11th century AD.
- ................................................. Numismatic Fund MARQ Gold d: 2'8 cm; p: 4'65 gr; p.c.:12 h. Medieval Islamic Hafsid. Tunisia 1249-1277
- ................................................. Castillo del Río (Aspe) Gold leaf h: 1.8 cm; d: 7.6 cm Islamic Mudejar 13th century
- ................................................ C/ Historiador Palau, Denia Bronze h: 47'5 cm; d: 26 cm Fatimid Islamic 11th century
- ................................................. C/ Historiador Palau, Denia Bronze h: 21 cm; w: 26 cm; Fatimid Islamic 2nd ½ c. 10th c.
- ................................................. Torre Grossa Castle (Jijona) Reconstructed chest with bone plates and metal ornaments h: 26 cm; w: 11 cm; d: 10 cm (restored) Islamic Almohad Late 12th century, first half of the 13th century
- ................................................. Islamic pottery from c/ Curtidores-Filet de Fora (Elche) Ceramic h: 46,5 CM; w: 54 cm Caliphate 10th-11th centuries