The MARQ bids farewell to the warriors of Xi'an with open days on 27 and 28 January
Open Day
The international exhibition of the millenary terracotta figures reaches record numbers and becomes the most visited in history
"The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The warriors of Xi'an". faces its last week in the MARQ and will say farewell to Alicante next weekend with a open day after 10 months of exhibition.
More from 260,000 people have toured the exhibition, making it the most visited exhibition in the history of the MARQ. In this sense, the president of the Diputación de Alicante, Toni PérezHe noted with satisfaction that "...this has been more than a great challenge, it has been an example of resilience, perseverance and a job well done by all the professionals and specialists involved in a project that has tested the capacity of both our teams and the political consensus, something that should inspire us in the future for the benefit of the society we serve.".
The MARQ has programmed the open days on 27 and 28 January, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., to facilitate free access to the exhibition as a "Fiesta de la Cultura" (Culture Festival). Visitors will be able to walk through the three halls and admire this exceptional proposal, curated by Dr. Marcos Martinón-TorresInternational reference in terracotta army research, professor at the University of Cambridge and winner of the 2018 National Science Prize in China for his work at the First Emperor's Mausoleum Site.
The exhibition, which includes more than 120 works from nine Chinese museums and institutions and shows the history of ancient China, was inaugurated last March, amidst great expectation, coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of relations diplomatic relations between Spain and the People's Republic of China and the 49th Anniversary of the discovery of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. National and international media reported on the event, which was attended by, among other authorities, dthe Chinese Minister of Culture and Tourism.
Special programme on TVE
On the other hand, Televisión Española's archaeological research documentary programme, 'Arqueomanía', has dedicated a special episode to the MARQ and the terracotta warriors. The report, with the participation of the deputy of Culture, Juan de Dios Navarroand the manager of the CV-MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortéswill be broadcast tomorrow, Saturday 20 January, at 12:15 on TVE and can be seen on the channel's website at the following link
Presented by Manuel PimentelArqueomanía' delves into the past of ancient civilisations in Spain, reviewing the traces that history has left us and reporting on the current state of this science. This space consists of reports, interviews and recreations that show vestiges of the past, unsolved mysteries, how to interpret the remains, field work and techniques used by researchers.