Nearly 2000 people took part in the activities organised to celebrate IWD at the MARQ, the sites of La Illeta and Lucentum and the Almudaina Tower.

Assessment of International Museum Day

Under the slogan "Museums for Research and Education".

1,934 people took part in the celebration of International Museum Day at the MARQ and at the Lucentum archaeological sites in Albufereta and La Illeta in El Campello and the Almudaina Almohad Tower, taking part in dramatised and guided visits, as well as those adapted for people with different abilities, along with workshops and various activities in collaboration with the associations that work with these groups in the province of Alicante.

The programme revolved around the international exhibition currently on display in the temporary galleries of the MARQ. Dynasties. The first kingdoms of prehistoric Europe. A group of re-enactors from the "Hispania Romana" Association, based in Toledo, also took part in the tours of both the Sala de Roma and the Museum Gardens.

Two open days on 18 and 19 May, attended by nearly 2,000 people. The MARQ, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, was visited by 1,565 people, Lucentum by 79, La Illeta by 268 and the Almudaina Tower by 22 people.

Workshops on campaniform vases, archer's bracelets or the Nebra celestial disc and educational talks on cave art were some of the activities held over the past few days at MARQ, with the animated visit "Travel through Roman Culture" in the museum gardens by Hispania Romana being particularly popular.