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The east door

The Romans, in addition to a dense system of maritime routes, also constructed a wide network of roads spanning the entire empire. Used to transport people and goods and facilitate administrative governance, this network became a vehicle for cultural exchange.

The Augustan Way was one of the first roads constructed by the Romans in Spain. It ran nearly 1500 km from Rome to Cadiz along the Mediterranean. Cities and outposts along the way permitted armies and travellers to rest and re-provision, and while some have since disappeared, others were the origins of our modern cities.

The Romans designed, constructed, and marked their roads with great precision, thanks to developments in public engineering. Traces are still visible even today, from the paving stones of the Appian Way in Italy…

…to the possible ruts of Roman carts, identified by J. Lafuente Vidal (1934) in La Albufereta

…which could have driven through the East Gate of the city of Lucentum.


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