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In the neighbourhood of La Albufereta, north of what is currently Alicante, an ancient, now-dry coastal lagoon sits between the Serra Grossa and Cabo de las Huertas.
Lucentum occupied a small hill (tossal) which dominates the bay. Where today we see skyscrapers, during the reign of Augustus sat the Roman city of Lucentum.
The great Roman barges which anchored in the bay used smaller barges, called lighters, to carry people and goods to small wharves, the remains of which have been recovered at the edges of the ancient lagoon.
The archaeological remains of Tossal de Manises were discovered in the 19th century, but since the 1930s excavations have continuously uncovered valuable information about the founding of Alicante.
The MARQ, in addition to scientific research, provides a didactic setting for visitors to learn and enjoy the city´s cultural heritage
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