Palmette sculpture
Necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura) Limestone h: 18.5 cm; w: 8.5 cm; d: 5.3 cm Ancient-Plio Iberian Second half of the 5th century-early 4th century BC.
Fragment of a palmette carved from a thick limestone slab, the left side of which is preserved, showing six leaves indicated by deep incisions, and a scroll on the lower part, depicted in the same way. The sides are smooth and the back side is unworked, so it must have been placed to be seen from the front only.
This piece has been interpreted as part of the decoration of a funerary monument in the form of a platform or tumulus built with stones. The sculpture of an animal with a funerary meaning (bull, lion, sphinx, griffin) would have been placed on it, as well as different decorative elements in a classical or Hellenistic style such as gules or palmettes, the latter occupying the corners of the construction. This type of structure is associated with elites, and its components, once ruined, may have been intentionally broken up to be reused in more modest tombs in the same necropolis.
C.S.: 5728
BERMEJO, J., 2008.
CASTELO, R., 1995.
IZQUIERDO, I., 2000.
OLCINA, M. H., 2009.
VV.AA., 1992.
Outstanding pieces in the Iberian Hall
- ................................................. Bronze ace from the Iberian mint of Saiti (Xàtiva, Valencia). Type Vives 20-2.
- ................................................. Necropolis of El Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura) Ceramic h: 34'5cm; w: 29'5 cm Iberian 460-450 BC.
- ................................................. Illeta dels Banyets (El Campello) Ceramic h: 11.2 cm; w: 11.2 cm; d: 2.9 cm Iberian. 380-325 BC.
- ................................................. Necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura) Vitreous paste h: 6.5 cm; w: 4.1 cm: 4'1 cm Ancient Iberian Late 5th century BC.
- ................................................. Necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante) Limestone h: 27.5 cm; w: 19 cm; d: 23 cm Iberian Second half of the 5th century - beginning of the 4th century BC.
- ................................................. Necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura)
- ................................................. Necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura) Limestone h: 18.5 cm; w: 8.5 cm; d: 5.3 cm Ancient Iberian-Pliocene Second half of the 5th century-early 4th century BC.
- ................................................. DEMETER-LIKE MOTHER-GODDESS Necropolis of La Albufereta (Alicante) Ceramic made with a univalve mould h: 21 cm; w: 11.3 cm; h: 7.5 cm Iberian 4th century BC.
- Terracotta bust ................................................. Necropolis of La Albufereta (Alicante) Terracotta h: 40 cm; w: 37 cm; d: 21.5 cm Iberian 4th-3rd century BC: 37 cm; w: 21'5 cm Iberian 4th-3rd century BC.
- ................................................. Tossal de Manises (Alicante) Ceramic h: 31.5 cm; w: 21.4 cm Iberian Late 3rd century BC.
- ............................................. La Escuera (San Fulgencio) Iron h: 30 cm; w: 11.4 cm; h: 13.8 cm Iberian 3rd century BC.
- ................................................. Necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante) Sandstone) Sandstone h: 49 cm; w: 54 cm; d: 33 cm Iberian Late 5th century BC, early 4th century BC.
- ................................................ Necropolis of Cabezo Lucero (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante) Iron h: 57 cm; w: 7 cm; d: 1.5 cm Iberian Second quarter of the 4th century BC.