3D scanning of the Discobolo


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L'exposició "La Bellesa del Cos: Art i Pensament en la Grècia Antiga", que actualment i fins al 13 d'octubre pot contemplar-se al MARQ, Museu Arqueològic d'Alacant esdevé el major préstec de peces d'art grec que el British Museum haja fet mai a cap cap altre museu. One of the most important pieces on display is Miró's Discòbol, which is also the first time it has been shown in Spain and only the second time in history that it has been in the BM since it was acquired from the British Museum by C. Towley in 1805.
Since its inauguration, the activities around the exhibition and the Discòbol have not ceased. Now it is a scientific and technical activity of the first magnitude.
EL MARQ, Museu Arqueològic d'Alacant and the Col-legi Oficial d'Enginyers Tècnics en Topografia ( www.coit-topografia.es - www.geomaticalicante.es ) have signed an agreement with the British Museum to obtain, by means of laser scanning and the latest generation of photogrammetric techniques, a mathematical model of the Discòbol.
In order to carry out the scientific and technical tasks derived from this agreement, there are the participation of l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers en Topografia, Geodèsia i Cartografia de la Universitat Politècnica de Madrid and l'empresa Valverde SIG, S.A.
El conveni té un objectiu doble. D'entrada, com ja s'ha indicat, l'obtenció del model matemàtic, del qual el British Museum manca en l'actualitat. The second scientific and technical objective is to analyse current photogrammetric techniques and their application to the study of archaeological and architectural elements.

The non-invasive nature of this type of techniques (we will be working from a distance of 3 m. from the Discòbol) together with the high precision and the enormous volume of information that is generated, make laser scanning and photogrammetry the ideal procedures for this type of studies.

The work, which took place on Monday 20 July, included the establishment of a high-precision topographic micro-array around the location occupied by the Discòbol at MARQ. This network will serve as a geometric-dimensional reference for the subsequent obtaining of 3D images of the statue and the use of three-dimensional scanning techniques using laser technology. The expected end result will be a set of stereoscopic images, orthoimages, mathematical models and 3D scenes for the management and visualisation of the data.

All this important volume of information will provide a total, continuous and precise record of the disc disc disc, from which we will be able to access all the necessary information for a perfect study, conservation, restoration, reproduction and all the other actions that we wish to carry out on the famous disc burner.

In the future, the success of this initiative will depend on the metric catalogues of fish and sites, with which the MARQ will be at the forefront of technological development in the field of archaeology, which will also have immediate applications in other fields such as the documentation and maintenance of monuments and historical sites;archaeology, which will also have immediate applications in other fields such as the documentation and maintenance of monuments and historical nuclei, buildings and emblematic rural and urban elements, etc.

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