The Archaeological Museum of Elche is hosting an exhibition of coins from the MARQ collection.

A valuable numismatic collection from the MARQ collection will be on display from today and tomorrow. until next September in the Archaeological and History Museum of Elche. More than 150 pieces make up this new exhibition that explains the reasons for the appearance, disappearance and survival of the different values, coins and monetary systems that have been used in the province of Alicante throughout history.

The President of the Alicante Provincial Council Luisa Pastor and the local mayoress Mercedes Alonso presented this morning this travelling exhibition, which has the cultural sponsorship of SUMA-Gestión Tributaria and that will subsequently visit other municipalities in the province. The event also included the participation of the exhibition curatorJulio Jesús Ramón and the technical director of MARQ, Manuel Olcina.

Coins are one of the most unique objects of our archaeological and cultural heritage, a faithful reflection of the idiosyncrasy of the society and the political power that designed them and, for this reason, they are an interesting instrument for a pleasant journey through the history of our province.said the President.

The exhibition "Coins.All sides of the story", organised by the Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana MARQ, pays special attention to the scientific content, as well as to the aesthetic and didactic aspects of this object. Comprising a total of 150 coins and four reproductionsexplains the different points of view from which the visitor can approach the contemplation of these pieces.

In this regard, Manuel Olcina explained that the core of the exhibition space is dedicated to showing that, since the appearance of this element, States have had their own monetary system based on the existence of coins of different values and denominations. Depending on the circumstances of each historical moment, the generalisation of the use of currency has responded to economic, military and fiscal factors. Moreover, the ability to issue currency has been a symbol of authority and the issuing entity has designed them to communicate and propagate a specific message..

The exhibition also devotes a space to the numismaticsan ancillary science of history that deals with the study of coins, its manufacturing systems, on collecting, on the phenomenon of the formation of coin hoards or their use as a historical documentation tool.

The exhibition is completed with the publication of a didactic guide and with various resources audiovisuals which contain images and detailed information about the exhibition and which will allow the public to assimilate the contents acquired during their visit.