MARQ disseminates the history and evolution of Valencian public works through a new exhibition


The Archaeological Museum of Alicante reviews the history of Valencian infrastructures through a new exhibition that delves into the history of Valencian infrastructures. landscapes, assemblies and milestones most important public works projects in the Comunitat de Valencia. The exhibition, produced in collaboration with the Demetrio Ribes Chairaims to to enhance the value of these unique elements that are part of our identity.

        The President of the Alicante Provincial Council Luisa Pastor and the regional secretary for Infrastructures, Territory and the Environment Victoriano Sánchez Barcaiztegui inaugurated this morning this exhibition which can be visited at the MARQ. until 11 May. The event was also attended by the Director General of Transport Carlos Elenothe technical director of MARQ Manuel Olcina and the curator of the exhibition and head of the Cátedra Inmaculada Aguilar.

       Pastor pointed out that this exhibition allows the visitor to discover the main Valencian public works, their technological evolution and the way in which they were organised and planned, taking into account aspects such as the networks or traces that make up the orography. To this end, the collection combines panels with photographic material and models of some unique constructions. It also makes use of new technologies to virtually reproduce infrastructures such as the old water tank in Valencia or the interactive recreation of the Caminería Ibérica (Iberian Road)..

        This is an interesting exhibition proposal, mainly composed of large format panels The exhibition also includes various models representing, among others, a fragment of the city and port of Alicante in the 15th century, a lighthouse typical of the Mediterranean coast and a coastal watchtower. The didactic purpose of the exhibition is complemented, furthermore, with a virtual recreation of the old water tank of Valencia and with various computer devices that allow the visitor to interact with and expand on the information in the posters.

        The world's first vault dam -located in Elche-, the Spain's first water filtration tank -located in Valencia - or the failed optical telegraph project are some of the curiosities that visitors can discover during their tour of this exhibition, entitled "Sites and routes of public works.The Valencian landscape". In addition, the exhibition refers to elements such as the bridges of Alcoythe former dock of the Port of Valencia or the Alicante Fish Market.

        Victoriano Sánchez Barcaiztegui highlighted the didactic importance of this exhibition, which covers the history and evolution of public works in the Valencian Community.

        The exhibition is structured as follows three sections arranged chronologically and thematically. The first of them, 'Singular Landscapes', explains how public works merge with the landscapes of the different Valencian regions, creating unique images.

       Moving on in the exhibition, in the section 'The cultural legacy', visitors will be able to discover the history of Valencian infrastructures from the time they first appeared and according to the different typologies, with the aim of appreciating the history of technological evolution as part of a scientific legacy to be highlighted. Finally, 'Territorial networks and traces' introduces the public to the organisation and historical planning of the territory on the basis of its networks and traces.