The MARQ is once again promoting the archaeological excavation campaign in the Cova del Randero in Pedreguer.



 The Diputación de Alicante, through the MARQThe archaeological excavation campaign in the Randero Cavein Pedreguer. A dozen volunteers and students from the universities of Alicante, Madrid, Murcia and Valencia are taking part in this project, which is being carried out throughout the year.this September.

        Through this programme, with the collaboration of the Pedreguer Town Council, the Alicante museum aims to to investigate livestock practices characteristic of the 5th millennium BC..C. when the Neolithic communities were fully established in certain areas of the province of Alicante, as well as the to deepen the knowledge of the daily life of the pastoralist groups that inhabited the area.

        The works, which this year reach their eighth editionwill take place in the central gallery and in the entrance hall to link the uncovered occupancy floors in each of them. In addition, the interior room for excavation, installing lighting, opening access and clearing surface areas.

The curator of Prehistory at the Archaeological Museum of Alicante and co-director of the campaign Jorge Soler explained that Over the years, hearths, a vase and combustion stains have been found linked to the sanitisation of a space that could have been a sheepfold and, at the same time, a living cave..

The work that we have carried out in this enclave has been difficult, as the site was very altered due to irregular excavations. For this reason, it has been necessary to invest a lot of time to excavate unaltered levels from the Middle Neolithic period.said Soler.