MARQ renews its collaboration with deaf people to bring its exhibition content closer to them

The President of the Diputación de Alicante and the Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana MARQ,Luisa PastorThis morning he signed a collaboration agreement with the vice-president of Fesord (Federación de Personas Sordas de la Comunitat Valenciana), Carolina Galianaand the president of APESOA (Associació de Persones Sordes de L'Alacantí), Miguel Tamaritto make the museum and its archaeological sites of Tossal de Manises and Illeta del Banyets accessible to people from this group.

        The agreement includes, among other joint actions, the design of annual activities, as well as the selection and proposal of the specific programmes to be developed. In addition, the materials of collections presented by the museum will be adapted to sign language, and the following will be carried out guided tours for the different exhibitions hosted by the centre with sign language interpretation and the staging of exhibitions thanks to the collaboration of deaf and hearing volunteers.

        The document also provides for the possibility to organise training actions sign language training for professionals of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante with a maximum duration of 20 hours.

        Finally, the members of the association will be allowed to use of the MARQ spaces for meetings,conferences or courses.

Pastor said that the aim of this initiative is to open the doors of the museum to all citizens and make it more accessible to people from this group.. In this connection, the President pointed out that MARQ is an example to follow in terms of integration and has been collaborating for years with various associations and organisations in the province in the implementation of initiatives aimed at the visually impaired, hearing impaired and mobility impaired..

        To facilitate the execution of these initiatives and their trackingas well as for the incorporation of new proposalsthe agreement provides for the establishment of a Joint Committee composed of members of both parties.

For her part, Carolina Galiana, through her sign language interpreter, has indicated that the most important objective of this initiative is to mobilise and motivate deaf people to access culture. With this agreement, MARQ adapts its exhibition content to our group, promoting equal conditions so that everyone has the same opportunities for leisure and free time..