The MARQ and the MUBAG join the Noche en Blanco this Friday with an open doors programme



      The next friday 24 july Alicante's museums will celebrate the 'Noche en Blanco', a cultural proposal that will be joined by the MARQ and theMUBAG with a programme of DOORS OPEN which includes guided tours, as well as a jazz concert, activities that will be held between 20:00 hours and one o'clock in the morning.

         The Archaeological Museum of Alicante will have free admission from 22:30 until 1:00, although its main event will be held at 23:00 hours with a jazz concert entitled "Latin Sentiment". The Lyjazz duo, formed by the pianist Carlos Gonzálvez and by the tenor Antonio Polowill liven up the evening with an adaptation of classic songs, boleros, tangos and melodic pop.

   In this international initiative, first time Alicante participates with a joint programme of the city's centres with the aim of disseminating contemporary artistic creation through different activities and free events that encourage citizen participation at an out-of-the ordinary time.