The Light of Rome exhibition bids farewell to the Alicante Archaeological Museum with more than 7,000 visitors in two months


          The travelling exhibition Light of Rome has closed its doors in the Archaeological Museum of Alicante after a two-month stay that has left 7,489 visitors. The exhibition, which compiles 43 pieces from various collections and consists of oil lamps from the Roman period, will now move to Elda, where it will be inaugurated in the middle of this month.

                Following the results of 4,374 visitors in August and almost 3,000 in September, the deputy for Culture and Education, César Augusto AsencioHe expressed his satisfaction with the number of visits, which has met the area's expectations. "Our aim was to show the usefulness, shape and decoration of these small objects that changed over the centuries of Roman rule. The word "lucerna" is a term with a long history. The results confirm the interest of tourists and locals in our rich cultural heritage.".

          The collection, which was on display from 31 July to 4 October in the MARQ Library, was reinforced with a number of different explanatory panels on issues related to the production and trade of lucernas, as well as two audiovisuals with complementary information.  

             The objects that make up this compilation come from both the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, and from the Monographic Museum of La Alcudia of Elche and of the Municipal Archaeological Museum of Elda. Of these, one bronze example stands out, a glazed skylight decorated with two horse heads and a circular lamp with numerous light holes.