MARQ designs a fun and attractive programme of summer activities aimed especially at children




        The Tossal de Manises archaeological site invites citizens to enjoy an exciting journey back in time to learn about the life and customs of the Roman civilisationThe awakening of a magistrate, the process of daily hygiene, religious ceremonies, the taking of auspices, military parades or gladiatorial fights are some of the scenes that will be recreated through this new cultural proposal, which will take place during the days 16 and 17 July.

The Member of Parliament for Culture and Education,César Augusto AsencioThis morning, the Commission unveiled all the details of this original initiative, which is also intended to promote the use of the to highlight the rich archaeological heritage of the site of of the most important in the Valencian Community. The event was also attended by the technical director and the managing director of MARQ, Manuel Olcina and Josep Albert Cortésrespectively, as well as the secretary of the Hispania Romana Cultural Association, in charge of staging the performances, Rubén Ríos.

Asencio, who has placed special emphasis on the historical rigour of this activity, ".the contents of which are well documented"said that "this new way of approaching culture enriches and helps citizens to better understand the pieces and concepts exhibited in our cultural centres.".

Those wishing to attend these performances, with a price of two eurosTickets can be purchased at the ticket offices of the Alicante museum, at the Tossal de Manises or through Instanticket.

The deputy for Culture and Education also took the opportunity this morning to present the '.MARQ's Summer Activities Campaign'. Workshops,juices or guided tours are just some of the fun and educational activities included in this programme, which aims to disseminate the archaeological heritage of the province, as well as to arouse the curiosity of children to discover the history of their ancestors.

In this sense, the calendar of activities includes weekly courses to be held from Tuesday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00 hours at the cultural centre. This initiative, aimed at children aged 6 to 12 yearswill allow them to get to know the MARQ's permanent collection and discover the archaeology of Alicante from prehistoric times to modern times. Participants will also be able to contemplate the contents of the new international exhibitions "Vikings. Warriors of the North. Giants of the Sea" and "Uruguay in Guaraní. Indigenous Missionary Presence".

The 'Activities Campaign', which takes place during July and August, also includes a series of educational workshops where children will have fun and learn while they build their own Viking game, make shields, reproduce mythical monuments or elaborate typical Guarani headdresses.

"The aim of this project is to offer the youngest members of the family an alternative form of leisure and entertainment during the summer months. It is an excellent opportunity for children to learn while they discover the contents of two international exhibitions currently on display at MARQ."The deputy pointed out.

 In order to facilitate participation and organisation, the Museum requests prior registration. Interested persons can more information through or at the centre's ticket offices.

     Summer opening hours Alicante Provincial Council museums

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante began its summer opening hours on Wednesday 15th June with the aim of making it easier for the public to visit during the hot months. Thus, until 15 September, the MARQ opens its doors from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00 hours and from 18:00 to 22:00 hours, while on Sundays from 10:00 to 14:00 hours. It is closed on Mondays.

The archaeological sites of the Tossal de Manises -Lucentum-, the Illeta dels Banyets -El Campello- and the Almohad Tower of Almudaina have also changed their opening hours. The centres can now be visited from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm from Tuesday to Saturday, while on Sundays and public holidays they are only open in the mornings.

For its part, the summer opening hours of the site of the Pla de Petracos -Castell de Castells- is from 11:00 to 13:30 and from 17:00 to 19:30 on Fridays and Saturdays and from 11:00 to 13:30 on Sundays and public holidays.