ASF Training Meeting in MARQ

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On Saturday 21st October, the Arquitectura Sin Fronteras (ASF) volunteer training meeting took place at the MARQ, organised by the Demarcación Territorial de Levante thanks to the collaboration agreement signed between the two institutions.

This meeting is part of the objective of strengthening and consolidating the volunteerism of Arquitectura Sin Fronteras Levante, extending on this occasion to a national level. The aim is for volunteers to share and learn from each other in order to continue growing as an Association.

The President of ASF-Spain, Ángel Martín Ginard, spoke about the Management Model approved at the last national assembly and how to apply it in the different ASF working groups. As part of the day's activities, a round table was held in which all the working groups presented the projects they are carrying out and the main challenges and lessons they have learned.


During the day, different activities were carried out for the general public visiting the MARQ. Volunteers from the Alicante Development Education Working Group Association gave explanations of the exhibition "Take part" to all the families who came to the Museum and encouraged them to participate in the workshop. "TAKE PART... it all depends on our action".


José Miguel Esquembre, president of ASF -LEVANTE, and Lina Vega, project manager, highlighted the importance of promoting the active participation of children and adolescents as a mechanism for improving and transforming the reality in which they live and for them to be able to identify situations of vulnerability of the right to a dignified and sustainable habitat, during the presentation of the training meeting.

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