Marq registers a record number of visitors this Wednesday

The attraction of the exhibition Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities on the public is undeniable. On Wednesday, the second day of the open doors week that the Marq has programmed to bid farewell to the exhibition, 1,369 people visited the rooms that house the nearly 200 pieces that make up the exhibition, which won the Golden Emporia for the design of the Best Exhibition of 2017 in Spain.

Many people from Alicante and tourists are taking advantage of the Christmas holidays to visit the MARQ and get closer to a culture as fascinating as the Maya, walking the streets of its main cities, going into the interior of its pyramids and palaces, admiring a sheet of water in a mythological cenote or learning about the work and research of the Valencian archaeological expeditions in Guatemala. A unique experience to enjoy until 7 January.