After its inauguration on 21 February, the exhibition "Petrer. Archaeology and Museum" of the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante enters its second month with a full programme of workshops on the history and tradition of Petrer for a family audience.
This was announced this morning by the councillor for Culture and Heritage of the Petrer Town Council, Fernando Portillo, the director of the Dámaso Navarro Museum, Fernando Tendero, and the coordinator of the didactic department of the MARQ, Gema Sala.
The workshops will take place from 3 to 6 April, coinciding with the school holidays. During these days, the families who attend will be able to get closer to the history and tradition of Petrer through different activities. On Tuesday 3, attendees will be able to make a Roman mosaic like the one in Villa Petraria. On Wednesday 4, the workshop will focus on esparto grass and traditional agriculture. On the 5th, an activity has been programmed in which the graffiti of the hunting scene in the dungeon of the castle will be highlighted. On Friday 6th April, the last workshop will take place, dedicated, in this case, to the Petrerense tradition of "les carasses"..
Portillo has expressed his satisfaction and happiness with the interest that the exhibition is awakening, referring to the 7,220 people who have visited it in its first month. "Today, 100 pupils from the Azorín Secondary School are visiting it."added the councillor.
In addition, he also wanted to refer to the many people with disabilities who, thanks to the innovative integration technologies that make the exhibition one hundred percent accessible, have been able to "...".get to know our history".
Gema Sala, who has described the Petrer exhibition as ".one of the best local museum exhibitions we have ever had"He indicated that all the Easter Week activities, from 3 to 6 April, revolve around "Petrer. Archaeology and Museum". Thus, families who decide to go to the MARQ during these days, will have the opportunity to take a guided tour of the exhibition and then participate in the thematic workshop planned for each day.
The didactic coordinator of the provincial museum also pointed out that the people who visit the museum during these days will receive a didactic guide where all the history, archaeology and heritage of Petrer appears and, in addition, with the resource of easy reading and several activities at the end of it.
The director of the Dámaso Navarro Museum has indicated that, since the opening of the exhibition, packages of invitations to visit the exhibition have been made available to local associations and educational centres. Also, local residents who wish to visit the exhibition as individuals can pick up free tickets at the Tourist Info, The opening hours are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They can also be requested by telephone, either from the Tourist Office (966989401) or from the Museum (966989400, extension 280).