MARQ opens its doors to celebrate next week's festivities with activities for the whole family


El Archaeological Museum of Alicante will commemorate 9 D'Octubre, Valencian Community Dayand on 12 October, Spanish National Daywith a number of open days during which both the museum facilities and the sites and monuments can be visited free of charge.


Hntil 5 January 2019, the MARQ offers visitors the incentive of approaching the origin of the art of the first settlers of Alicante through the exhibition 'Rupestre. The First Sanctuaries'., an exceptional sample that evokes the caves in which they carved these primitive pictorial representations and in the kept tools hunting equipment and tools for use in everyday life. So far, 


Opening hours both from museum, as from Tossal de Manises Lucentum and the Illeta dels Banyets during these holidays will be out of 10:00 a 14:00 horas, while the Almudaina Almohad Tower will be available to visit out of 10:00 a 13:00 horas. During these no guided or dramatised tours will take place during the open days. More information at