The MARQ receives the Mayor and the Salinas Housewives


The Mayor of Salinas, Isidro Monzó and the 2nd Deputy Mayor, Yurema Frutos, led a visit this morning by 60 members of the Lucentum Housewives Association of Salinas to the MARQ. On their arrival they wanted to get to know it in depth, both the collections on display in its permanent halls and the two temporary exhibitions that the MARQ is hosting these days until 5 January, Rupestre. The First Shrines and PlastiHistory of Humanity.

The Salinas Housewives' Association is one of the pioneers among the Salinas associations, having been founded on 1 May 1992. It is a very active group which also works to defend consumers, to inform them about aspects of everyday life: legal, family, food... and to organise numerous activities such as talks, courses and also cultural trips, meals and festive events.