César Sánchez highlights the rigour of the Alicante museum in the management of its facilities, as well as its work on the renovation of its traditional exhibition system.
Last year it was visited by more than 150,000 people.
The President of the Diputación de Alicante, César Sánchezyesterday in Madrid, where he collected the certificate Brand Q granted to the MARQ by the Spanish Tourism Quality Institute. The Alicante centre adds to its long list of awards and also becomes the first centre in the world to be awarded the first spanish museum to receive this distinction with which the conditions of organisation, services and facilities establishments or companies in the sector.
Sánchez received the seal of Tourism Quality from the Director General of the ICTE, Fernando FraileHe highlighted the important position that museums have acquired in recent years as "a focus of attraction and tourist attraction of the first order". "From the Diputación de Alicante we are very proud of one of our cultural flagships. The MARQ is constantly working to increase the standards of quality that have made it one of the most important museums in Europe," said the president.
The event was also attended by the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortésand the technical director of the museum, Manuel Olcina.
After obtaining this Q Mark, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante "can boast of having achieved the utmost rigour in aspects related to its quality management system," said the president, who added that "the MARQ has been committed for years to the renewal of the traditional exhibition system, understood as a collection of duly classified and catalogued finds. It is a project conceived and developed from the challenge of being the first archaeological museum of the 21st century and this type of recognition is proof of this".
The establishment of objectivesthe management of human resourcesthe commitment to continuous improvement, the accessibilityinformation and communicationthe attention the visitor, the reservation and TICKET SALESor the loyalty The museum has been awarded this mark for some of the aspects for which the Alicante museum has been awarded this mark.
Aspects such as the management of facilities and equipmentThe exhibition will include aspects such as signage, security, exhibition space, toilets, shopping area and car park.
The Alicante museum has received a excellent markwith a weighted result of 9.8 out of 10 for all audited services, which, in the words of the president, "is a great source of pride for both the centre and the province, as it supports and consolidates the extraordinary management and services offered by the MARQ".
It should be recalled that the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, where the scientific and research rigour lives with a language of dissemination The event is open to the general public, with attendance figures rising year after year, and last year it reached nearly 150,000 visitors.
The museum, the first to obtain this recognition, has been awarded this certification by the Standard UNE 3020022018 "Museums. Requisitos para la prestación del servicio de visitas", recently published and developed by the ICTE, together with the Spanish Association for Standardisation (UNE), in a working group comprising the main museums in Spain, under the chairmanship of the Subdirección General de Museos Estatales.