More than 7,400 visitors to support the success of the White Night of Museums

The 7,432 visitors who came to the fifth edition of the great summer festival of museums, organised by Alicante City Council, with the MACA, Cigarreras and the Lonja Exhibition Hall; the Provincial Council, with the MARQ, and the Juan Gil Albert Institute; Aguas de Alicante, with the Water Museum; the University, with the MUA; and The Ocean Race Museum, in the city of Alicante, support the success of the city's participation, which registered an increase of almost 400 people compared to last year.

The Deputy Mayoress, Mari Carmen Sánchez, went to the MACA, together with the Councillor for Culture, Antonio Manresa, and said she was "thrilled by the success of the public and the enormous quality of the proposals on offer for locals and visitors throughout the night". We must make a firm commitment from the institutions to culture and Alicante's museums, because many of them are still largely unknown despite the enormous value of their collections and the effort they make to bring them closer to the public with their numerous activities such as today's".  

Once again this year, the MACA put on a full programme for all audiences, which included a successful family workshop, live music in the museum hall and in the Plaza de Santa María, a juggling, acrobatics and clown show, and the presentation of the catalogue "Before Art", produced in collaboration with the Fundació General de la Universitat de València and the Col-lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia. The Museum was visited by 1,418 people from 8 pm to 1 am. 

In addition to the number of people who entered the museum, there were around 1,500 people who congregated in the Plaza and Calle Villavieja throughout the night. 

La Lonja was the sole protagonist of the macro exhibition Titanic. The Reconstruction, which was free to enter from 21.30 to 23.30, reaching the spectacular figure of 700 visitors.

Cigarreras, for its part, beat all records for attendance during a Noche en Blanco, bringing together 1,385 people for the cinema and dance programmed for the day.

Along with the three municipal museums, the Water Museum with 270 visitors, the Volvo Museum with 520 visitors, the MARQ, with 2,779 visitors, the MUA with 300 people, and the Juan Gil Albert Institute with 60, participated once again in the celebration.