The Archaeological Museum of the Alicante Provincial Council (MARQ) has made available to the staff of the Provincial Hospital-Pla Health Centre, located in Doctor Sapena Street.The new parking space in the interior garden of the main building is available for use. This decision responds to the request made by the head of the Basic Zone number 3 of the Regional Ministry of Health to facilitate the parking of the vehicles of the workers assigned to these facilities.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia Parraannounced that from today access to the MARQ site will be authorised "with the aim of facilitating as far as possible the work of these professionals who are carrying out their work in particularly difficult conditions at the moment. They deserve to have at their disposal all the facilities that the Provincial Council can offer them".
This situation, which will be maintained while the museum remains closed to the public, "is a gesture with which we want to show our solidarity and admiration for the people who are fighting on the front line against the coronavirus", said Parra, who was able to learn that these days they have found it more difficult to park in the area.
From the MARQ, it has given the green light to the 36 applications for use of the parking area presented by the coordinator of the Provincial Hospital-Pla Health Centre, adjacent to the museum. The hours of use are from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm from Monday to Friday and from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays. The vehicle access will be from the main gatelocated in the Plaza Doctor Gómez Ulla.
The Museum has established a preliminary procedure for surveillance personnel to be able to duly identify authorised vehicles through the number plates, thus ensuring security of facilities and people.