The more than two hundred pieces that make up the exhibition Idols. Millenarian gazes'. will leave tomorrow from MARQwhere they have been on display since January, in order to shape the next proposal from the Regional Archaeological Museum (MAR) of the Community of Madrid. Both centres organised this exhibition, which can now be visited in the capital and which has the backing of some twenty cultural centres in Spain and Portugal.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraHe explained that "it was at the MARQ that this unique exhibition was shown for the first time in Spain and that from 28 July until 10 January 2021 it can be visited at the headquarters of the MAR in Alcalá de Henares". Las dismantling and packaging have been finalised today, supervised by specialists of several Spanish museums and lusos, together with the technical teams of the alicantino museum.
'Idols' is a rigorous scientific production integratesis mainly due to articles in stone, bone and other materials evocative of the human body and face. These representations were at their peak of use and processing between the second half of the 4th and first half of the 3rd millennium the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula, at burial sites and also at enclaves from daily activities.
The so-called "idols" or "ideomorphs" are an extraordinary collection of anthropomorphic iconographies characteristic of the Iberian Peninsula between 3500 and 2500 BC. Studies today consider that the great variety of forms and contexts of these finds suggest diverse expressions rather than a single religious concept. Thus, these images could symbolise the relationships between members of a clan or even be tools of social manipulation, intended to maintain the established order and hierarchy. In any case, all of these pieces were part of a social narrativeThey were as similar and different as the individuals and communities that created them.