The Archaeological Museum of Alicante the assembly phase of the exhibition has begun Etruscans. The dawn of Rome'.which will be inaugurated on thursday 26th august. Following the arrival of the 150 pieces from the museums Guarnacci of Volterra and of the Archaeological Museum of Florence (MAF)Italian and MARQ technicians have supervised the material that will show for the first time in Alicante a global panorama of one of the great Mediterranean civilisations of antiquity.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraThis morning he visited the Museum to check on the technical work being carried out prior to assembly and said that "it is a great satisfaction to see the pieces of this important international exhibition, which has aroused great interest in Spain and beyond our borders, gathered here".
After the tour, the Minister of Culture thanked the work of the professionals of the two Italian museums and MARQ expertsto whom he gives all the credit "for their dedication and interest in ensuring that on 26 August we can enjoy in Alicante the only exhibition dedicated to the Etruscan people that can be visited in our country, with pieces of great importance and value".
The arrival of the parts from Italy by land transport was launched on Wednesday 11 August last and will be until next 25 Augustand assembly work, the check of the objects will be carried out to check its state of conservation by Italian technicians and staff from the Exhibitions Unit, members of the Restoration Workshop and members of the MARQ security team.
The exhibition brings together 150 original pieces of some of the most important archaeological excavations carried out in the territory of ancient Etruria and preserved in the MAF, the Volterra Museum and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Provincia di Pisa e Livorno in Italy.
Etruscans' will be exhibiting a varied repertoire of archaeological materials that cover the whole spectrum of the material record of this culture, from funerary urns, stelae and reliefs to ceramic materialas well as metal objects, bronzes, military armament and an interesting sample of pieces made of gold. In addition, there will be a selection of remains found in the province which, from the museums of Xàbia, La Vila Joiosa, Guardamar del Segura and the MARQ itself, will make up the section 'Etruscan Traces in Alicante' in the foyer of the Museum.