The Alicante Provincial Council has joined the commemoration of the International Day of Disability by the hand of the MARQ and the Alicante Institute of Culture Juan Gil-Albert. Both organisations have organised events to promote the rights and welfare of these groups in all areas of society.
The First Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia Parraconfirmed that "with these proposals we want to once again highlight our involvement and commitment to the group of people with disabilities through the promotion of spaces and a wide programme of activities adapted to all audiences".
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The Bardín House will host this evening, at 19:00 hours, the fifth session of the cycle 'Alicante in feminine. Women of yesterday and today'. dedicated to the regional deputy Laura SolerThe event will also include the participation of the European Commission, recognised for its important work at the forefront of different accessibility projects at national and international level. The event will also include the participation of Elena BastidasDeputy spokesperson for the PP in the Valencian Parliament, specialising in social policy, and with the assistance of Julia Parra.
On the other hand, and under the slogan "A day for everyone at MARQ"., the Museum celebrates this day so that everyone can enjoy its contents and activities within the framework of a inclusive and accessible space. Just this year, the Museum has been awarded the Turisme Comunitat Valenciana Award in the category of Inclusive and sustainable tourism and has strengthened its commitment to what has always been one of its most significant hallmarks.
The timetable of proposals designed includes workshops, guided tours, storytellers and other activities, which will take place in streaming and in person. The MARQ Foundation is holding these conferences in collaboration with the Asociación Alicantina Síndrome de Down, the Associació de Personas Sordes de L'Alacantí APESOA and the Asociación Asperger Alicante ASPALI.
Those interested in this face-to-face programme can register in advance. in the MARQ ticket offices to half an hour before the start of the activities and until full capacity is reached, in accordance with the Covid-19 Contingency Plan MARQ, which includes taking temperatures, the use of hydroalcoholic gels and masks from the age of 6, as well as maintaining a safe distance, among other measures. More information at
Friday 3 December
10:00 am. Explanation of the Iberian culture in streaming for the Down Syndrome Association of Alicante.
11:00 a.m. Workshop "Decorating a Kalathos" on streaming for the Down Syndrome Association of Alicante.
Saturday 4 December
11:30-12:30 am. Animated visit "Journey to antiquity" for families of ASPALI (Asperger's Association Alicante).
12:30-13:30. Workshop "I make my mosaic" for ASPALI families.
11:00 am. Workshop "Looking at the gods" for children from 6 years old.
16:30. Guided visit to "Etruscans. The dawn of Rome" in sign language for APESOA (Associació de personas sordes de L'Alacantí).
Sunday 5 December
11:00-12:30 am. Animated visit to the Prehistory Room, storytelling and workshop for children from 3 to 7 years old. This activity will also be conducted in sign language (limited to 15 people).
12:00-13:00. Workshop for children "Bucchero" (limited to 15 people).
All activities are free of charge and, for reasons beyond the organisation's control, the calendar of activities may be subject to change. Information about the Christmas Campaign 2021 can be consulted on the website