The international exhibition The Atlantic Warriorhas received a total of 73,681 visits during their period of stay in on Archaeological Museum of the Diputación de Alicante (Alicante Provincial Council) (MARQ), which began on 18 May and ended yesterday, 23 October.
The First Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraThe extraordinary reception of this exhibition, which in just over five months has attracted nearly 74,000 people to visit an unprecedented exhibition that has allowed three pieces of great value and representativeness of the Portuguese archaeological heritage to be seen for the first time in the same space," he said.
The provincial director assured that "this successful experience lays the foundations for new collaboration projects between the MARQ and museums in our neighbouring country with the support of the Portuguese government, which has shown its support on numerous occasions for all the exhibition and scientific initiatives developed around 'The Atlantic Warrior' and the latest joint exhibitions".
The exhibition 'The Atlantic Warrior' brought together for the first time in the MARQ Library three of the pieces catalogued as national treasures of Portugal. Today it will be dismantled and returned to the National Museum of Archaeology in Portugal. The exhibition consists of two granite sculptures, the Lezenho Warrior and the Verraco de Olival dos Berrôesand the goldsmith's work Golden torques by Vilas Boasconsidered a reference in the peninsular protohistoric art.
Since 2020, the MARQ Archaeological Museum and the MARQ CV Foundation have strengthened their relationship with the neighbouring country with exhibitions such as the one that gave prominence to the bronze hand from the Roman city of Lucentum in the National Museum of Archaeology of Portugal, the exhibition "Idols. Millenary glances".The project, awarded with four prizes by the Associação Portuguesa de Museologia (APOM), and The Atlantic Warriorexhibited since May in Alicante.
During the months that this last exhibition has been active, different activities have been carried out, among which the following have stood out study days between specialists from Spain and Portugal in the month of September, where the latest findings on archaeology and material culture were presented. The entire programme on 'The Atlantic Warrior' organised by the MARQ has had the support and collaboration of the Portuguese government and scientific community, present in the programme of presentations.