This school year we are continuing our project: "AMARQDRIN ONE PIECE". With this project we want to motivate and interest schoolchildren in the museum's collections, so that the archaeological object becomes the focus of their study, since the direct vision of the object is an intrinsic characteristic of museums. We want schoolchildren to become aware that objects "speak", that they reveal a great deal of important information.
(1) From a didactic perspective, teaching through objects is highly interesting and therefore justifies the learning of history through museums:
The objects make it possible to relate the image of this object to the concept to be worked on.
For the pupils, the presence of an object allows them to express themselves better, thus transforming the object into an element of reference.
Historical concepts explained under the image of an object attract students' attention more easily.
The object can be the key to an enigma to be solved.
The objects can be used to formulate hypotheses and develop the method of analysis.
They allow the development of historical inductions: they allow going from the general to the particular as well as from the particular to the general.
Objects contribute to the development of the imagination.
The presence of an object is important to provoke empathic situations.
Allow for personal input from learners
Objects are a support for memory, as they facilitate remembering the concept assimilated to it.
(1) JoanSantacana " Museografía Didáctica" Págs82-84
Project description
The Educational Centres that wish to participate in the project will choose an archaeological piece from the different rooms (four archaeological objects selected for each of the rooms) and "amarqdrinan" it, that is to say, they carry out a research study of it.
The project consists of three main blocks covering different aspects in relation to the study of the selected object:
Room (location in the room)
Historical period
Context (historical context of the site)
State of preservation (partially reconstructed, complete, very fragmented)
Exact chronology
Purpose or use
Decoration (shape, decoration material ......)
Drawing: frontal, lateral and zenithal or plan. Since they cannot manipulate the piece, this is where their imagination and three-dimensional visualisation of the object come into play.
Observations you would make on the piece
III.- MUSEOGRAPHIC ASPECT: How to exhibit the piece.
Description of an exhibition project at MARQ (creativity, didactics and design will be valued): model, panels, audiovisual, etc.
To whom it is addressed
The target groups of the project will be the schools that visit the museum during the school year.
The participating levels may be all cycles of Infant Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education.
The objectives are:
Use material remains as a basic source of historical information.
To value, respect and know the historical-artistic heritage and to promote its conservation.
Discovering a visit to a museum as an ideal place where students have fun learning.
Enhancing teamwork
Enhancing imagination and creativity
To introduce pupils to an understanding of the nature of the various parts
Use and handling of bibliography.
To encourage contact with the object by stimulating pupils' curiosity.
Delivery time
The deadline for submission of projects is 2 May 2014. The jury will meet to assess the work submitted during the days following the deadline for submission. All participants will be informed of the identity of the winning classes.