MARQ excavations

The Castellar de la Morera in Elche

Project manager
Jose Luís Menéndez Fueyo
Tel: 965 149 000 Ext: 7221


The Honourable Deputation of Alicante is leading, through the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ), and with the participation of the University of Alicante and the support of the Archaeological and History Museum of Elche (MAHE), a new research project that aims to locate the remains of the disappeared Islamic city of al-'AskarThis urban enclave, which existed in the 10th century and has not been discovered to date.

This is a new research project launched by the MARQ as part of its Archaeological Action Plan. The team of archaeologists leading this project is composed of the eminent Hispanist and Professor Emeritus of the Université de Lyon II (France), Pierre Guichard; by the Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Alicante, Sonia Gutiérrez Lloret and by the MARQ's medieval archaeologist, Jose Luis Menéndez Fueyo.



(Aerial view of the remains of the upper platform)

(Detail of the excavation of Complex III of Castellar de la Morera. Year 2008)