MARQ excavations

The IFACH Archaeological Project

Project manager
Jose Luís Menéndez Fueyo
Tel: 965 149 000 Ext: 7221

The Provincial Council of Alicante, through the Archaeological Museum (MARQ), has been leading the IFACH Archaeological Project since 2005, in close collaboration with Calp Town Council and the Department of the Environment, Water, Town Planning and Housing of the Generalitat Valenciana.

The project aims to uncover the remains of a medieval settlement, built on the slopes of the Peñón at the end of the 13th century, called Ifach, which was occupied for only a century. It was then destroyed and abandoned to form the population centre we know today as Calp. It is currently the only medieval conquest settlement in the Valencian Community that is the subject of archaeological research under a scientific project. Furthermore, this project is financed by the Diputación de Alicante and is part of the MARQ's annual Excavations and Prospecting Plan for archaeological research in the province of Alicante.

(Bird's eye view of the remains of Our Lady of the Angels in the village of IFACH)


(View of the excavation of the necropolis of Ifach in front of the façade of the church of Nuestra Señora de los Angeles. Year 2008)