MARQ's travelling exhibitions

The Travelling exhibition programme of the MARQ is nourished by a series of exhibitions of its own production, of a monographic nature and attractive design which, once presented at its headquarters, are prepared, complemented and adapted to be exhibited in other municipalities of the province, contributing to complete the exhibition offer of the local authoritiesThe MARQ fulfils its functions study and dissemination of the archaeological heritage of the province.


To date, the following have been raised five travelling exhibitions:

The bulls of Argar

Exhibition of three clay figurines, representing bovids - bulls or cows - found in 2013 and 2017 at the Bronze Age site of Laderas del Castillo (Callosa de Segura, Alicante).

These are three small pieces of fired clay, already on display during 2018 and part of 2019 in the exhibition space at the entrance to the MARQ galleries. They belong to the El Argar culture, one of the most outstanding Bronze Age societies in Western Europe. This discovery is of great archaeological significance as it is the first pieces of this type to be dated by radiocarbon dating, which has given them an age of 4,000 years.

The pieces have been loaned by the MARQ. Archaeological Museum of Alicante to the Callosa de Segura Town Council, which requested them for temporary exhibition in the entrance display case of the permanent exhibition of the Municipal Archaeological Museum "Antonio Ballester Tormo", in this town, where they will be on display from 5 August 2020. The exhibition has a backlit panel and an informative audiovisual, provided by the C.V. MARQ Foundation for the exhibition. Although the exhibition was scheduled to close on 30 December, the Municipal Corporation has requested an extension of the loan until 30 June 2021.



Guardians of Stone. The Castles of Alicante


was inaugurated at the MARQ with a montage that won the National Emporia Gold Award a la mejor exposición itinerante del año 2015. La muestra rinde homenaje a los más de 230 castillos y fortificaciones que pueblan nuestra provincia a través de una cuidada selección de fortalezas, organizadas a través de diferentes rutas, que permite al visitante elegir y trazar su propia senda para conocer estos monumentos que han guardado con celo la memoria de nuestras raíces y de nuestra historia. La exposición se encuentra actualmente en tránsito, habiendo itinerado hasta el momento a Villena, Guardamar del Segura, Xixona, Orihuela, Crevillent, Calp,  La Vila Joiosa, Cocentaina, Callosa del Segura, Monforte del Cid, Torrevieja, Petrer, Rojales, Benidorm y Alicante. En la actualidad se prepara una nueva itinerancia que permitirá su exibición al público en la Casa de la Cultura Miguel Hernández de Albatera a partir del próximo mes de marzo de 2025.




Light of Rome. Roman Lucerne


Light of Rome. Lucernas romanas was initially inaugurated at the MARQ with a montage that received the Premio Nacional Emporia de Plata for the best travelling exhibition of 2015. It has an attractive proposal that presents the public with a careful selection of Roman-era skylights belonging to the MARQ, the Archaeological Museum of Elda and the Alcudia d'Elx University Foundation, with the aim of raising awareness of the usefulness of these small objects that changed shape and decoration over the centuries of Roman rule. The exhibition is currently dismantled, having travelled to the following places so far Elda, Callosa del Segura, Sax, La Vila Joiosa, Cocentaina, Crevillent, Elx and Molina de Segura.




Coins, All sides of History 


This exhibition was the result of adapting the temporary exhibition of the same name, which was open to the public at MARQ between December 2010 and February 2011. The travelling exhibition continued to have a clear didactic vocation and presented numismatics, the numismatic collections of the museum and the history of the current province of Alicante to the public. Between the years 2013 and 2015, the exhibition travelled to Elche, San Vicente del Raspeig, Monforte del Cid, Alcoy, Elda, Guardamar del Segura, Cocentaina, Benissa and Aspe..




Graffiti. Spontaneous art in Alicante

started and culminated in 2009with itinerant tours in Villena, La Vila Joiosa, Elx and Sax. The exhibition included a large catalogue of symbols and graffiti found on many monuments in our province from ancient times to the modern and contemporary world.

Graffiti in Sax

Graffiti in Villena

Graffiti in La Vila Joiosa

Graffiti in Elche