CV MARQ Foundation
FOUNDATION of the Valencian Community MARQ
The Foundation CV MARQis a a cultural and scientific non-profit-making organisationwith its own legal personality and headquarters in the Museum building, constituted on 2001 as a modern management formula to complement and facilitate the work of the museum, entrusting it with both the operation of its facilities and the sites and monuments under its care, as well as the cultural management agreed by its statutes. Its founding members are the Provincial Council of Alicante, the Generalitat Valenciana, Alicante City Council, the former CAM and Caja Murcia (now BMN), as well as other institutions and personalities from the social, cultural and academic spheres who have joined its collegiate decision-making bodies over the course of its history. Board of Trustees and the Executive Committeechaired by the President of the Diputación de Alicante. The ordinary and administrative management of the Foundation is vested in the Managing Director.
For the coordination between the Museum and the Foundationand for attendance at the governing bodies of the latter, the SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (a consultative body made up of the technical staff of the museum and the foundation, as well as the Director of the Department of Architecture of the Provincial Council of Alicante). Its functions are to advise and prepare the meetings of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee; to advise the Management and to coordinate the activities of the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante and the C.V. MARQ Foundation, contributing in a stable manner to the fulfilment of the aims of the Foundation, promoting the execution of any actions that improve its proper functioning and its relations with the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante. In order for the Foundation to carry out any scientific activity, the Scientific-Technical and Management Committee must be consulted beforehand, thus ensuring scientific rigour and academic innovation.